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Media assets

These assets are for the use of invited media and partners. They should be used with appropriate attribution.

Introductory video - what is Expo all about?



Renders of the Australia Pavilion

Use of these renders should include the following credit: Design by Buchan Holdings Pty Ltd. Render by FloorSlicer.

Render of the Australian Expo pavilion in the day
Download JPG file small (710kb)          Download JPG file large (7495kb)


Render of the pavilion at night
Download JPG file small (586kb)          Download JPG file large (7745kb)


First Nations Principles Statement - Australia at Expo 2025 Osaka

This statement outlines the guiding principles for the design and delivery of Australia's participation in Expo 2025 Osaka. 
The principles-based approach ensures that First Nations stories, traditions and knowledges are honoured and feature centrally in a strong and shared national vision. 
First Nations Principles Statement